About Customized Study
In addition to regular offerings that are open to participants (students and non-students) worldwide, Earth Education International also cooperates with Associate Partner institutions on implementation of customized offerings: Stand-alone courses, alternative spring-break tours, field trips associated with partner institution courses, and service-learning placements. These tours are customized educational experiences that may or may not be open to the general public.
Customized Study Logistics
Because customized offerings emphasize applied learning, substantial field study experiences are provided along-side time spent in the classroom. These experiences are typically short in length: From one to two weeks. Thus, significant class time is typically met in the field at various field sites. Inline with our community approach to sustainability, participant lodging typically consists of mid-range hotels or eco-lodges, with a preference for those that are more environmentally-friendly and/or socially-responsible whenever possible.
During these visits, participants are provided with a unique opportunity to learn from, and share with, local experts. Offerings are usually lead cooperatively by both EEI Staff and a faculty representative from the partner institution.
Application for participation, academic credit, and other logistics are often handled by our partner institution offering the course.
Customized Study Offerings
Customized educational courses and study tours that have and are being offered through Earth Education International include those listed below (click on course title for more information or a sample itinerary). Please contact us if you may be interested in a similar course in the future.
International Environmental Issues & Globalization
DATES: May 2015 - present
PARTNER: Cal Poly Humboldt
Department of Environmental Science & Management and Department of Geography
Arcata, California
Systems Change for Health & Sustainability
DATES: July 2023
PARTNER: University of Washington
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Seattle, Washngton
Rainforest Conservation & Sustainability (Alternate Spring Break)
DATES: March 2013
PARTNER: North Carolina State University
Center for Student Leadership, Ethics & Public Service; Office of Sustainability
Raleigh, North Carolina
Tropical Biology & Conservation
DATES: May 2009 - 2014
PARTNER: State University of New York, Fredonia
Department of Biology
Fredonia, New York
Ecosystems, Conservation, & Community
DATES: Winter 2006-2010
PARTNER: George Mason University
Center for Global Education
Fairfax, Virginia
Spring Break Eco-Tour
DATES: February 2009
PARTNER: Catholic University of America
Center for Global Education
Washington, D.C.
International Development: Costa Rica in Perspective
DATES: Summer 2005-2007
PARTNER: George Mason University
Center for Global Education
Fairfax, Virginia
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